Exercise of the week

Strengthening the rotator cuff muscles with a band

Rotator cuff exercise - external rotation start

External Rotation Start

Starting position:

Sitting cross legged with the Theraband under the ischial tuberosities. Right arm resting beside the body with this hand on the mat. Left shoulder internally rotated, elbow flexed to 90°, palm facing inwards. The left hand holding onto the right end of the Theraband.


Inhale to prepare.

Exhale, externally rotate the left shoulder joint.

Inhale, internally rotate the left shoulder joint.

Rotator cuff exercise - external rotation end

External Rotation End


Keep the scapula and head in a neutral position.

Do not side bend or rotate with the trunk.

Rotator cuff exercise - horizontal abduction start

Horizontal Abduction StartStarting position:

Sitting cross legged with the Theraband under the ischial tuberosities. Left arm resting beside the body with this hand on the mat. Right shoulder elevated to 90° in neutral rotation. Right hand holding the left end of the Theraband. Elbow flexed to 90°, palm facing inwards. Left arm resting long beside the body


Inhale to prepare.

Exhale, horizontally abduct the right shoulder joint.

Inhale, horizontally adduct the right shoulder joint.

Rotator cuff exercise - horizontal abduction end

Horizontal Abduction End


Keep the scapula in a neutral position.

Do not side bend or rotate with the trunk.


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